The AI Prompting Technique that helped increase client's audience engagement by 58%

I've been in this game for a while now, and let me tell you, I've never seen anything quite like this.

It's like we've been playing checkers, and suddenly someone handed us a 3D chess set.

So buckle up, because I'm about to show you how this new prompting method is setting a whole new standard for AI-assisted content creation.

The Old vs. The New: A Quantum Leap in Prompting

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let's take a quick look at how things used to be versus this revolutionary new approach:

Old Prompting Method:

"Create a killer marketing campaign using 'Social Proof'. Make our ideal customer see that everyone's using our product. Goal: build trust and get them to try our stuff."

New Prompting Method:




<Instructions Structure>

1. Introduction and task overview
2. Define key components of the 'Social Proof' framework
3. Instructions for creating the campaign outline
   a. Headline and introduction
   b. Testimonials section
   c. Case studies section
   d. Additional social proof elements
   e. Call-to-action
4. Guidelines for tone, style, and formatting
5. Output format instructions

</Instructions Structure>

You are tasked with creating a compelling marketing campaign outline using the 'Social Proof' framework. This campaign aims to demonstrate to our ideal customer persona that our product/service is widely accepted and used. Your goal is to build trust and encourage our target audience to try our offering.
First, familiarize yourself with the following inputs:


Now, follow these steps to create a comprehensive marketing campaign outline:

1. Understanding the 'Social Proof' Framework:
   - Focus on showcasing widespread acceptance and usage of the product/service
   - Emphasize testimonials, case studies, and other trust-building elements
   - Aim to reduce perceived risk and increase confidence in the offering
2. Create a campaign outline with the following sections:
   a. Headline and Introduction:
      - Craft an attention-grabbing headline that highlights social proof
      - Write a brief introduction that emphasizes the popularity of the product/service among the ideal customer persona
   b. Testimonials Section:
      - Include 3-5 concise, impactful testimonials from satisfied customers
      - Ensure testimonials are relevant to the ideal customer persona
      - Use a mix of text and hypothetical customer names/titles
   c. Case Studies Section:
      - Outline 2-3 brief case studies showcasing successful use of the product/service
      - Focus on results and benefits achieved by customers similar to the ideal persona
      - Use bullet points to highlight key outcomes
   d. Additional Social Proof Elements:
      - List 3-5 other forms of social proof (e.g., user statistics, awards, media mentions)
      - Explain how each element reinforces trust and credibility
   e. Call-to-Action:
      - Create a strong, clear call-to-action that encourages the ideal customer persona to try the product/service
      - Incorporate social proof language in the CTA (e.g., "Join thousands of satisfied customers")
3. Guidelines for Tone and Style:
   - Maintain a professional yet approachable tone throughout the outline
   - Use language that resonates with the ideal customer persona
   - Keep sentences and paragraphs concise and easy to read
   - Incorporate power words that evoke trust, popularity, and success
4. Formatting Instructions:
   - Use clear headings for each section of the outline
   - Utilize bullet points and numbered lists for easy readability
   - Keep the overall structure organized and scannable
Present your marketing campaign outline within <campaign_outline></campaign_outline> tags . Ensure that each section is clearly labeled and easy to distinguish.
Remember, your goal is to create an outline that any small language model could use to generate a highly effective 'Social Proof' marketing campaign, outperforming larger models. Focus on clarity, structure, and the strategic use of social proof elements to achieve this goal.


Now, I know what you're thinking. "Steven, that new method looks way more complex!" And you're right – it is.

But here's the kicker: that complexity is exactly what makes it so damn powerful.

Why This New Method Is a Total Game-Changer

1. Structural Clarity That Cuts Through the Noise

This new prompting style is like giving the AI a crystal-clear roadmap. Here's why that matters:

  • It kills ambiguity dead. No more misinterpretations or AI going off on wild tangents.
  • Every crucial element gets addressed, step by step. Nothing falls through the cracks.
  • You get way more control over how your output looks and feels.

2. Contextual Inputs for Laser-Focused Results

By plugging in specific details like your ideal customer persona and product info, you're setting yourself up for success:

  • Your content gets tailored to your exact situation and audience. No more generic fluff.
  • The relevance and effectiveness of what you're creating skyrockets.
  • You can scale this across different products or customer segments without missing a beat.

3. Guided Creativity That Actually Works

Now, don't get it twisted. This structured approach isn't about putting creativity in a chokehold. It's about:

  • Channeling the AI's capabilities like a pro.
  • Striking that perfect balance between creative freedom and strategic direction.
  • Getting outputs that are laser-focused and relevant, every single time.

4. Covering All Your Bases, No Exceptions

By breaking down the task into specific sections (headline, testimonials, case studies, etc.), you're ensuring:

  • A well-rounded, complete marketing campaign that hits all the right notes.
  • Proper emphasis on every crucial aspect of social proof.
  • A logical flow of information that builds trust and gets people itching to take action.

5. Tone and Style That Speaks Your Language

With clear guidelines for tone and style, you're making sure:

  • Everything stays consistent with your brand voice. No more Jekyll and Hyde content.
  • The language resonates perfectly with your target audience.
  • You strike that sweet spot between professional and approachable.

6. Formatting That Makes Your Content Pop

Clear formatting instructions mean:

  • Your output is easy to scan and read. No more walls of text.
  • Information is organised in a way that just makes sense.
  • Engagement goes through the roof because people can actually follow what you're saying.

The Real-World Impact: Why This Matters for Your Business

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Great, Steven, but how does this translate to actual results?"

I'm glad you asked, because this is where things get really exciting.

1. Relevance and Effectiveness That Blows the Competition Away

By tailoring your content to specific customer personas and products, you're not just throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks.

You're creating content that resonates so hard with your target audience, they'll think you're reading their minds.

Result? Higher engagement and conversion rates that'll make your competitors weep.

2. Consistency That Builds an Unshakeable Brand

This structured approach ensures that all your marketing materials sing from the same hymn sheet. Your brand identity and messaging get reinforced with every piece of content, building a rock-solid foundation for your business.

3. Time and Resource Efficiency That'll Make Your Head Spin

Yeah, crafting these prompts might take a bit more time upfront. But trust me, it's worth it. You'll slash the need for endless revisions and edits, saving you a ton of time and resources in the long run. It's like investing in a high-quality suit – costs more upfront, but pays dividends for years.

4. Scalability That'll Fuel Your Growth

Once you nail down a winning prompt structure, you can adapt it for different products, services, or audience segments faster than you can say "exponential growth". This is how you scale your marketing efforts without losing your mind or your shirt.

5. Supercharging Even the "Smaller" AI Models

Here's a mind-blower for you: these detailed instructions and structure can make even smaller AI models punch way above their weight. We're talking about potentially outperforming bigger models that are working with vague, wishy-washy prompts.

How to Implement This New Prompting Style and Crush It

Ready to harness the power of this new prompting method?

Here's your game plan:

- Start with a Crystal-Clear Objective: Know exactly what you want to achieve with your content. Vague goals lead to vague results.

- Know Your Audience Inside Out: Develop detailed customer personas that inform your inputs. The more you know about who you're talking to, the more powerful your content becomes.

- Break It Down Like a Boss: Create a structured outline of all the elements you need in your content. Leave no stone unturned.

- Be Specific, But Leave Room for Magic: Provide clear instructions while allowing room for AI creativity. It's like being a great coach – guide, don't micromanage.

- Iterate and Refine Like Your Business Depends on It: Treat prompt creation as an iterative process. Analyse your outputs, learn from them, and keep refining your approach.

- Create Templates That Save You Time: Develop reusable prompt templates for different types of content or campaigns. Work smarter, not harder.

- Stay on Your Toes: As AI technology evolves at breakneck speed, be prepared to adapt your prompting strategies. The only constant is change.

The Future Is Now: Embrace the AI Prompting Revolution

Listen, this new prompting style isn't just a fancy new toy.

It's a fundamental shift in how we collaborate with AI for content creation.

We're not just talking about getting better results (although that's definitely part of it).

We're talking about completely revolutionising our approach to AI collaboration.

By providing clear, structured inputs and guidelines, we're enabling AI to produce content that's not just good, but freaking exceptional.

Content that moves the needle.

Content that converts.

Content that builds empires.

As we barrel headlong into an era where AI is becoming more integral to marketing and content creation, mastering this prompting style is going to be what separates the winners from the also-rans.

It allows you to leverage AI's capabilities in ways that'll make your head spin, producing results that aren't just good – they're game-changing.

The future of AI-assisted content creation lies in this beautiful dance between human strategic thinking and AI's raw processing power.

By embracing and mastering this new prompting style, you're not just improving your current outputs – you're future-proofing your skills and staying miles ahead in an AI-driven world.

Remember, the key to crushing it with this method is continuous learning and adaptation.

As you experiment with different structures and instructions, you'll develop an intuitive understanding of how to craft prompts that yield mind-blowing results. Embrace this new era of AI prompting, and watch as your content creation capabilities soar to heights you never thought possible.

The revolution is here. Are you ready to lead the charge?

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